adalah Situs Blogging yang memuat tentang Informasi Seputar Dunia Pendidikan, Madrasah, Sekolah, Guru, Oprator, Aplikasi, Software dll, dsb, dst secara geratis.
Mudah-mudahan bisa bermanfaat bagi orang banyak sehingga menjadi amal ibadah/jariyah baik di dunia maupun di akhirat. Semoga Allah swt mengampuni dosa kita semua.
Aaamiiiinn ya robbal aalamiinn ..
As Wr Wb.. a Blogging site that contains information about the world of education, MADRASAH, schools, teachers, oprators, applications, Software etc., etc., and so on.
Hopefully it can be beneficial to the crowd so that it becomes a charity worship/Jariyah both in the world and in the hereafter. May Allah forgive all our sins.
Aaamiiiinn ya robbal aalamiinn ..
As Wr Wb.. a Blogging site that contains information about the world of education, MADRASAH, schools, teachers, oprators, applications, Software etc., etc., and so on.
Hopefully it can be beneficial to the crowd so that it becomes a charity worship/Jariyah both in the world and in the hereafter. May Allah forgive all our sins.
Aaamiiiinn ya robbal aalamiinn ..